Ye has been quiet since the incendiary remarks he made about Jewish people and showed his adoration for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Despite his silence, that has not kept him from being a point of conversation for many people. In a recent interview with DJ Vlad, comedian D.L. Hughley made comparisons between Ye and the “fallen angel,” Lucifer.
“I really fault a lot of these people who are taking advantage,” D.L. began. “Well, I can’t say they’re taking advantage.” He then questioned why Ye’s team would allow him to jump from show to show knowing that he is going to make outlandish and controversial statements.
Vlad then brought up a conspiracy theory that West held about his mother, Donda West, Michael Jordan’s father, and Bill Cosby’s son all being sacrificed. Vlad said that he did some research into the death of Donda West, and said that it was far from a sacrifice.
Hughley then went on to compare West to Lucifer, saying that the two share similarities.
“I think that—biblically, Lucifer was a cherub. He was—his name means Morning Star. Lucifer was beautiful and he was God’s minister of music. He was exalted, and he was perfect. And Lucifer had seen God. He knew that he was created by him. But Lucifer was so charismatic and so talented, he talked other angels in trying to bum rush heaven.”
“If talent and charisma is so mesmerizing, so intoxicating, it can make angels rise up against God it can make us alter our understanding of things. We’ll start to believe things. That is the most dangerous thing about what’s going on here,” Hughley added. “It says a lot that a man who loves Hitler and Trump. It says a lot that you love those two people. And it says even more that people are contorting themselves to make that make sense.”
You can watch Hughley’s comments on Ye below.
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